Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Section 93

Jesus Christ received "grace for grace, until he received a fulness". When I read this I apply it to myself and my desire to learn, improve, achieve, and receive answers. I will receive line upon line, here a little, there a little until I receive a fulness. Christ is truly our example in everything, including being patient as we receive one part of our learning and growth at a time! We need to trust God's timing over our own idea of what would be nice. Also, we are truly the tabernacles (temples) of God. Since we are His children, we house part of Him within us. I must take care of my body AND my spirit (this is mentioned again!) because I house Divine qualities that I inherited from Heavenly Father. And I house a Divine spirit that has the potential to become like God. How neat is that?? I really need to make sure my body and my mind are a place where that kind of spirit can dwell and be nurtured and taken care of.

1 comment:

  1. Your journal blog makes me happy to open each time, Lucy. It is just bright and cheerful--I really like the background that you have chosen. :)

    What a positive response to section 93. You are right, it really is line upon line, precept upon precept, here and little, there a little. . . I have found that often when I least expect it, the tender mercies of the Lord open my understanding to yet another idea or concept that I am then able to learn to live. Just like with the Word of Wisdom, where the Saints were given decades to digest the truths of that revelation, we don't have to learn the entire textbook of the Gospel at one sitting. Our Heavenly Father is very gracious in allowing us time to learn to fly. :)

    Joseph Smith stated that it is so important for us to get to know the character and attributes of God. That is so wise as it allows us to also understand ourselves, as Joseph explained. We are Gods in embryo, in a way. As we wake up to that divine understanding, what amazing things lie in store for us--"all that the Father hath.!"
