Friday, October 21, 2011

Sections 103, 105

After MUCH tribulation cometh the blessing. This is why the Lord permitted the saints to be persecuted, and why we have challenges and trials today. After much suffering, we are blessed--more than we thought possible! I have a strong testimony of this principle, especially as of late. Last semester I had some big challenges and trials that stretched my faith to new limits. After much suffering I have had enormous blessings come this semester. I have been blessed in ways that I simply did not foresee when I was experiencing the trials. Heavenly Father knows us better than we know ourselves, and He blesses us in better ways and at better times than we could ever plan or dream of.

Sections 87, 98, 134

WOW, this revelation is meticulously accurate about the Civil War! how amazing! And how could Joseph Smith have known all of that? It was obviously revelation. Interesting that the call to stand in holy places comes right after the description of the civil war. I wonder why?
Section 98 was given in response to the persecution of the Saints. Our afflictions are not only for our own good, but for the good of others and the Glory of God. God has not given us these experience for ourselves only. We need to share them so that others may benefit as well.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sections 94, 95, 97

I really like how in all three of these sections, the Lord starts out by saying "you whom I love" or "my friends" or some variety. The Lord truly loves us and considers us friends. We need to consider Him our greatest friend, and rely on Him like we would rely on a dear friend (even more so!) I also like where it says, regarding the building of church houses, "If you keep my commandments you shall have power to build it." If we keep the commandments, we will be blessed with enabling power from Heaven helping us to fulfill those commandments. But sometimes we have to take steps into the dark, keeping a commandment even if it seems impossible. As we show faith and keep the commandments, no matter how difficult, a way will be provided.

Section 93

Jesus Christ received "grace for grace, until he received a fulness". When I read this I apply it to myself and my desire to learn, improve, achieve, and receive answers. I will receive line upon line, here a little, there a little until I receive a fulness. Christ is truly our example in everything, including being patient as we receive one part of our learning and growth at a time! We need to trust God's timing over our own idea of what would be nice. Also, we are truly the tabernacles (temples) of God. Since we are His children, we house part of Him within us. I must take care of my body AND my spirit (this is mentioned again!) because I house Divine qualities that I inherited from Heavenly Father. And I house a Divine spirit that has the potential to become like God. How neat is that?? I really need to make sure my body and my mind are a place where that kind of spirit can dwell and be nurtured and taken care of.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Section 89

I love this section on the Word of Wisdom. What a difference it makes for our lives today! I especially love the verse that says those who keep the word of wisdom will "find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures." I wonder how that will come about by living this law? Perhaps because keeping this commandment will help my mind be sharpened and help me have more energy. Or simply keeping the commandments helps me gain more knowledge by the Spirit. Also, I think the "hidden treasures" could be referring to personal revelation and promptings. I am a firm believer that our receptiveness to the Spirit increases as we take care of our bodies (as in section 88, spirit and body are connected, and make up the soul of man). "Cleanse the inner vessel" (as commanded in the Book of Mormon), and the outer will be cleansed also can be reversed, I think. The body and mind make the soul of man. They are connected and must be nurtured. Therefore as we cleanse the outer vessel, the inner vessel will be cleansed, also!

Section 88

I absolutely love this section, the "Olive Leaf of Peace". I feel like it has some wonderful doctrines in it, including words of comfort and instruction. I think I'll just share some of my favorite points from it.
I really like vs. 15 where it says "The spirit and the body are the soul of man". The two go together, and I need to make sure that I am taking equal care of my body AND my spirit. I think this goes along with the next section, the word of wisdom.
Concerning the eye being single, I think that is such a wonderful promise that if my eye is single my whole body will be filled with light, and there won't be any darkness in me. Wow! No darkness?? That is quite the promise. If I want to shine light for others to benefit, I need to have my eye single to the Glory of God. Similar to how my body will be filled with light if my eye is single, I believe that I can be filled with love if my eye is single. If I love, truly love, people and have charity, that will be my motive for all I do; and I will be filled with love. I need to wear the "mantle" of charity--a mantle of perfectness and peace. To truly have charity is to truly be at peace.