Friday, September 30, 2011

Sections 81, 90, 100

These three sections are instructions to the 1st Presidency of the church at the time. Jesse Gause is replaced by Fredrick G. Williams as a counselor. I will share some of the things I got out of these sections while reading them this time.
Like Frederick G. Williams, I am commanded to strengthen and lift the weak and depressed. By simply being happy and letting my light shine, I can lift others. This will also promote the Glory of God! Will I "stumble and fall when the storms descend, and the winds blow, and the rains descend, and beat upon [my] house"? Or will I be strong and be a light, no matter how dark my surroundings are?
It is important for me to study and learn! I need to become acquainted with all good books, people, etc. I feel like this is exactly what I am trying to do with my education at BYU; it is very important that I be aware of all different kinds of people and places in the world so that I can understand and lift others. As I understand them I will be more able to serve them.
In closing I'd just like to share how much I loved vs. 12 of section 100: "continue your journey and let your hearts rejoice; for behold, and lo, I am with you even unto the end." I think this is such a comforting scripture, especially to place at the end of these instructions for the first presidency. The Lord will not leave us, so we must continue in joy, even unto the end!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Section 84

This revelation on the Priesthood was given to Joseph Smith as missionaries returned from their missions. In this section it says that in order for a priesthood holder to use the priesthood, they must be worthy and have authority. I thought about how this applies to me; in order for me to feel the Spirit and bless the lives of others, I need to be worthy and be in a place that the Spirit can be.
It is amazing how real God's power is and how He can give some power to priesthood holders to perform miracles and spread the Gospel. This work must be pretty important if God does so much to help us further it. He provides for the holders of His priesthood, and will "go before [their] face."
Another thing that I got out of this section was that the church needs everyone. It needs all parts of the priesthood. One is not better than another, and we need all of the parts in order to function. I really like vs. 106 that says if you are strong, take along those who are weak so that they can be strong also. This is my purpose in life; when I have a strong testimony or a special talent, gift, or ability, I need to share it so others may be blessed and strengthened also.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sections 85, 104, 119, 120

Many of my thoughts for these sections are similar to the last set because they are both generally about the law of consecration. But I will share some of the thoughts I had as I read these particular sections. I think it would be a challenge, right now, to live the law of consecration. Maybe I'd get used to it, but it would be hard to give up the things I worked so hard to earn! It puts it in perspective, remembering that all the things that we own--including time and talents--are really the Lord's in the first place. We must be willing to give it all to the Lord.
Not only do we need to be ready to give up all that we have for the Lord, but we are responsible for what He has given us. Just as the men in section 104 were stewards of the Lord's finances and the printing press, I am a steward over the things the Lord has put me in charge of in this life. I am a steward over my time, talents, family, calling, etc. If I put the Lord first, I will be blessed and the Lord will provide a way. He did this in the times when the Law of Consecration was practiced, and He does it today. Blessings come pouring in when we keep the commandments.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sections 78, 82, 83

This set of revelations were given to Joseph Smith in regards to the Law of Consecration. The saints were asked to pool their resources; their knowledge, talents, money, etc. and then all of these things were redistributed as needed throughout the church. I was thinking how hard it would be to be asked to live the law of consecration now, in our day. That would certainly be a challenge for me to give up all that I had worked hard to earn. But then I realized that in a way we are asked to live the law of consecration now, by offering our time and talents to the church, paying our tithing and fast offerings and other donations, and by home and visiting teaching. Also, the Lord asks that we put Him first, which may involve giving up other things that we enjoy. It may involve not making idols out of our computers, television, and sports. I need to be willing to sacrifice my time and energy right now to the Lord! Also, when I have a calling that draws upon my talents I need to be grateful that I can serve the Lord using what I have learned. I really like verse 18 of section 82 where it says that we must improve upon our talents and gain other talents so they can be "cast into the Lord's storehouse, to become the common property of the whole church." My talents are to be used for the benefit of others (see also D&C 46:12, 29). I need to develop and share them! I need to cast them into the Lord's storehouse for the profit and gain of the whole. I think in this way I can live the Law of Consecration in my own way. Truly, the Lord has made us all different so that we can all help and bless each other.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sections 77, 86, 91, 113

These sets of revelations are given to Joseph Smith in answer to his questions about other passages of scripture as he translated the Bible. Each of them answers specific questions that Joseph had; in fact, in some it is laid out in a Q&A format. As difficult as it was for me to really understand what the revelations meant, I think the main point I got is how cool it is that Joseph could ask such specific questions and get such specific answers in a revelation. Sometimes I wish I received answers so exact and sure like that. I think that's very neat, and really shows the power of God as well as Joseph Smith's faith. It strengthens my testimony concerning prayer and personal revelation; if we need something or have questions, we have only to ask. The Lord answers our prayers and will answer our questions in His own time and way.
In section 86, the revelation about the wheat and the tares, it said that we must "be a light unto the Gentiles." To me, this is saying that the wheat needs to be strong among the tares. This analogy is interesting because the wheat and the tares are not separate--they grow together in the same place. Like the wheat we must be able to be "in the world, but not of the world." We must grow with the tares, but not allow them to overtake us and weaken our faith.
In section 91, about the Apocrypha, the revelation is that it is not necessary for Joseph to translate this section because parts of it have been tampered with. However, He adds that those who are enlightened by the Spirit can understand and receive truth and benefit, but not those who don't receive by the Spirit. In many ways I feel like this statement is true for any scripture. We benefit from scripture study, hymns, talks, blessings, etc. when we receive them with the Spirit, but not so much when we don't. The Spirit manifests truth.

Sis. Grierson--is it ok for me to address separate things about the sections like this? I like to comment on something every time I read. Is this the sort of thing you are looking for? How can I improve?